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Body, mind, and spirit all must be nurtured to have a fulfilled and happy life. We practice being present in every aspect of our lives. 
Elbow Greetings

Wellness News

Meditation Class for all Ages

Meditaton and Mindfullness

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CBD Info


Music Portraits Healing



mindfulness concept, mindful living, tex
What is mindfulness?
Meditating on Beach
MBSR course
May 11 - June 29
4:30 - 6:30 PR
Music Portraits

Music Portraits


What is a Music Portrait?


You could go to a painter and have a visual portrait done of what you look like. This is a unique opportunity to go to a professional musician and have an original Music Portrait of who you are, your essence captured in music, intuitively composed and played live for you on the piano. This isn't just a capturing of what you look like, this is a capturing of your essence and creates personal insight and healing as a result.


MBSR Course

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Aspects of Wellness



We spend a lot of time maintaining this vessel. It behooves us to be knowledgeable so that we can advocate for our loved ones and for ourselves. An informed medical consumer is a good medical consumer. Western medicine offers amazing results but sometimes people are over-medicated and over-treated. Medical treatment is the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. Choosing the right path for you and your loved ones is paramount to a good quality of life. Good health involves and healthy diet, good sleep, appropriate exercise, mindfulness practice, treatments that help, not hurt, and a circle of friends and community that nourish and support us. 



Keeping your mind sharp is critical to a good quality of life. Mindfulness allows us to have clarity so that we can make good decisions. Developing clear thought is imperative in doing the best for our loved ones and ourselves. We don't want our minds to be like a cluttered attic with old junk everywhere. Learning to be present, leaving the past behind, allowing the future to be what it will is the first step to clear thinking and enjoyment of life. Being fully present in this moment provides peace. Relax in this moment and enjoy the peace. 



However you express your spiritual nature is a personal choice. But, in all religions and spiritual practices the element of the "Golden Rule" exists. It shouldn't matter if you believe in God or if you're an atheist What matters is how we treat one another. The spiritual practice of The Care Village is simple "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Considering the community or the quality of life of another is a spiritual practice and one that we each should practice daily. 





Would you like to be a contributor? We are looking for people who have expertise in all related fields to help us help others. Contact

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